The EU Elections are important from a consumer perspective – remember to vote on June 9

It will soon be time to vote in the EU elections alongside other Europeans. In Finland, the actual election day is June 9, 2024, with early voting available from May 29 to June 4, 2024. Elections are not only the cornerstone of democracy but are also relevant from a consumer perspective, as the newly elected Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) will influence future consumer legislation in the EU.

You can find more information about what is at stake for consumers in these elections and why it’s worth voting in a guest article by Hannariikka Nieminen, spokeswoman for the European Parliament’s office in Finland. This article (in Finnish) was published in the European Consumer Centre Finland’s newsletter 2/2024 in May.

Basic information about the EU Elections

To vote in the EU elections, you must:

  • be at least 18 years old on election day.
  • be a Finnish citizen or a citizen of an EU member state with a permanent address in Finland, or a Finnish citizen living abroad.

On the actual election day, June 9, you can only vote at your designated polling station, which is listed on the notification card sent to eligible voters before the elections. Polling stations are open on election day from 9 am to 8 pm.

In Finland, you can vote in advance at public polling places in municipalities, such as shopping centers and libraries.

More detailed information about voting can be found on the European Parliament’s election website.